Does your child have ADHD or simply misbehaving?
If you worry about your child's lack of self-control and focus, you could worry about Attention-Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). You may be worried about what to do next or how people would think about your child.
Keep in mind that ADHD is common and has a biological cause, not from your home life or parenting style. ADHD treatment does not affect who your child is. Here are some signs of ADHD to look for in your child and what to do if you believe your child may have ADHD. You can schedule an appointment with Wake Counseling and Mediation for your child if you are interested in learning more information about treatment and counseling for ADHD.
Common Signs of ADHD
Children with ADHD struggle with their behaviors on daily basis and more frequently than most children of their age. Symptoms can vary from child to child, which is why signs of ADHD are harder to spot and should not be entirely dismissed. Here are some issues are typical for most young children with ADHD:
Can’t follow instructions such as "put your toys away" or "bring me your brush"
Constantly running from one task to another, and often without completing a task.
Unaware of social cues i.e. standing up or chatting during instructional time.
Not careful when completing tasks like pouring cereal into a cup, and often making mess.
Takes items without permission (ex. Taking things from peers or off the teacher's desk, or in a shop).
Has trouble remembering & forgetful where they put things.
Gets really irritated or furious over minor issues such as not having the ball.
Some children are hyperactive and can’t stay still. As they get older, they may start procrastinating homework or joking around in class. They may also speed through assignments with little thought and end up getting low grades. Their lack of focus and self-control can be genuine issues that may be harder to manage as they grow into adulthood.
ADHD and Manipulative Behaviors
Children with ADHD are programmed to do things that go outside the limits of what we expect them to do. There is no deliberate intent by those young children, but stress is triggered by the hyperactive and impulsive symptoms of ADHD. This can lead to much negative interaction between the children and their parents.
Children with ADHD may lie not to get out of a task, but to hide that they are fighting the task. It is a way of confronting challenges. Many children with ADHD have trouble starting tasks and planning them out. Lying removes the pressure of figuring out how to clean up. And this is worth getting into trouble for them, particularly if they're used to it.
If a child misbehaves only at home or only at school, then most likely it's not ADHD. Symptoms should be the same regardless of environment. A child might be in the mood to challenge an authority figure by ignoring or distracting when they are expected to do something.
Some children do not have any medical condition, but they are simply normal, easily excitable, or bored. It has been shown that a child's age relative to his peers influences a teacher's perception of whether they have ADHD. Children who are young might receive an inaccurate diagnosis for their grade levels.
Misdiagnosis of Behaviors and ADHD
Learning the warning signs is important for the parents and educators. Early diagnosis, care for ADHD, and school accommodation will make a lot of difference for an ADHD child.
Preschoolers may have the odd tantrum, but they can control their thoughts and actions. At this stage, any temper tantrums should be shorter and less intense than those of the toddler years. Children aged 4 and 5 may exhibit some minor aggression but they should learn more about using their words rather than violence.
As children move on into grade school, they often want more independence but with guidance such as helping with homework or completing chores. Grade school children typically need some help to control tense feelings like anxiety or anger. The lack of verbal impulse control is common to them.
Note Any Patterns in Your Child’s Behavior
Notice any patterns in your child’s behaviors while in different environments to make it easier for you to discuss your concerns with your child’s teacher, doctor, and other specialists.
But also take time to reassure your child that you still love and care for them as they are now. In fact, children with ADHD worry about their self-esteem when they misbehave. Recognize their feelings if your child feels guilty. Do not justify their misbehavior but tell them that you will work together to manage their ADHD.
Learn More About Your Child’s Possible ADHD
If you feel that your child is misbehaving, changing your discipline strategies can fix minor behavioral issues. Seek ways to make your discipline more effective and positive through counseling. You can incorporate counseling or therapy to gain parenting skills, helping your child cope with their ADHD, and family therapy to work as a team for future success.
Ask for your child’s doctor or teacher first for more resources. Speak to your child’s doctor to see if your child needs treatment for ADHD, and you can contact us today for an evaluation
For more information or to schedule appointment online please visit our ADD/ADHD page or call at 919-647-4600.