Blog Posts - Depression
Stress stimulates the conflict receptors in the brain as you experience a life change, and this generates brain chaos that we call cognitive dissonance. Seek professional help to prevent falling into depression due to major life change.
During this global pandemic, many people are dealing with anxiety and depression. How can we care for ourselves if we are consumed by the daily news on the coronavirus crisis and its effects on our health, our jobs, our families, our communities, our country, and our global economy?
Depression is among the most challenging issues during the coronavirus pandemic. More than 4 in 10 Americans admitted pandemic-related stress has taken a toll on their mental health. While many people are seeking depression treatment and counseling, many depression myths and misconceptions often make finding help more challenging for patients. Read more about some of the most common depression myths and the efforts to debunk them.
Millennials seem to suffer from depression more than any other generation. While it’s hard to quantify this statement because of the inexactitudes involved in the diagnosis and reporting of depression, it’s certainly true that the millennial generation has worked hard to break the stigma of the condition.
A therapist can provide a safe environment to express, explore & treat your fears & insecurities stemming from irrational belief system in order to accomplish goals.
Depression involves much more than just feeling “down” or sad. Depression can affect every aspect of someone’s life, from quality of sleep to relationships to job responsibilities. It can be hard for people to deal with this mental illness on their own; but with the right knowledge and treatment, recovery is possible for anyone who is struggling.
Depression is a serious mental illness that can get worse with substance use or abuse. Consider your habits with self-medicating. Are you really addressing your depression symptoms?Talking to depression counselors can help.
Adapting to life changes is the key to surviving them. Here are 5 tips to make the journey a little less bumpy and ease stress and anxiety along the way.
Here are some tips to avoid the holidays blues associated with weather changes, change in diet or sleep, and increased intake of alcohol.
Emotional health can affect physical health, work productivity, financial stability, family relations and quality of life.
Overcome the stigma or stereotypes by seeking professional help for your depression instead of letting the symptoms get worse over time.
Counseling can be beneficial in processing your childhood emotional neglect to avoid repeating the same cycle of abuse with your children.
Counseling or psychotherapy for depression can be highly beneficial in resolving issues that are holding you back, and learn to recognize & disrupt negative thought patterns.
Tired of living your life controlled by depression symptoms? Learn how to break the vicious cycle through depression treatment or counseling.
Whether you are having difficulty managing your worries, anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress symptoms, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy can be effective
Nearly everyone claims like they belong to a dysfunctional family. We also blame our families for our present troubles to the degree that we are not responsible for our actions. Our past interactions with dysfunctional families sometimes can affect our behavior. You can learn some more about a dysfunctional family and the ways to cope with growing up with a dysfunctional family.