Most men struggle more than women with adjustment after divorce due to drastic life changes, life-career balance issues, isolation, lack of social support, and alcoholism.
Losing a loved one during holidays can be painful, however you do not have to go through it alone –share your grief.
Parents need to adapt some healthy habits after divorce to ensure you are not affecting your child’s upbringing.
Parents can benefit from focusing on a child’s needs instead of focusing on the negative behavior.
Here are some tips to avoid the holidays blues associated with weather changes, change in diet or sleep, and increased intake of alcohol.
Emotional health can affect physical health, work productivity, financial stability, family relations and quality of life.
If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, it’s important to set clear boundaries, expectations, be in control of your own emotions to prevent getting hurt.
Parents need to put into consideration the needs of an anxious child to make Halloween a happy and memorable event.
Often adults and parents want drug free treatment option for ADHD and counseling or psychotherapy can helps with behavioral modification.
Most parents can support their teens in becoming happy, healthy and optimistic individuals by setting good examples.
Many people find it hard to understand themselves and act out by having an extramarital affair but seeking help before you make biggest mistake of your life.
Do you feel like your partner has fallen out of love with you? You might want to re-evaluate the situation to see if depression could be the cause of their despair.
Parents can turn dramatic and manipulate behaviors into positive by listening, taking it seriously, showing interest & love in their teen’s life.
: In counseling, you can explore behavioral traits from your partner that might be frustrating and keeps you thinking your partner has some egoistic tendencies to rule out Narcissistic Personality.
Overcome the stigma or stereotypes by seeking professional help for your depression instead of letting the symptoms get worse over time.
Counseling for parents can be highly beneficial in learning helpful strategies to parent a child who suffers from ADD or ADHD symptoms.
Consult with a counselor or a psychotherapist trained in treating anxiety disorder to have better control over your worries and fears.
Learn more about ADD or ADHD by consult with a therapist to be able to help yourself and/or a loved one in managing those symptoms
Therapists emphasize every child is different, but every child need positive role modeling, practice and reinforcement in order to learn social skills.
Counselors often work with individuals struggling with PTSD symptoms & advice not to wait too long & start your healing process today.